Doggie Au Pair
Pet Sitting Checklist

Please use this complimentary Pet Sitting checklist to help you and your pet(s) get ready for our visit. (PDF version)


  • Call your vet ahead of time and leave credit card number in case of emergency.
  • When providing an extra key, be sure it works first.
  • Have extra supplies available in the event you cannot return when expected.
  • Leave everything needed for the pet sitter in one general area.
  • If requiring night visits, put a timer on lights.
  • Leave a key for a neighbor in case of emergency or in the event of extreme weather.
  • Alert alarm company of authorized person in home.
  • Take our phone number with you.
  • Check batteries in electronic collars.

Tasks the client should be sure are done prior to pet sitter’s arrival

  • Key works ______
  • Thermostat adjusted ______
  • Trash emptied ______
  • Toilet lids down ______
  • Off-limit rooms closed ______
  • Cabinets closed ______
  • Refrigerator emptied ______
  • Dirty dishes cleaned ______
  • Timers on lights ______
  • Fence locked/closed ______
  • Lawn mowed ______
  • All doors/windows locked ______
  • Alarm Company alerted ______
  • All appliances off/unplugged ______
  • Washing machine closed ______
  • Neighbor notified of absence ______
  • Last minute instructions left ______
  • Supplies out for pet sitter ______
  • Electronic collars checked ______

  • Form from Home Business Forms

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